Look for us this Thursday at the
Chandler Farmers Market. It is held in the pavilion at Dr. A.J. Chandler park downtown on Thursdays from 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. We will have a pretty small sampling of what we will have in the coming weeks, but come check it out anyway. We will also have some fresh AZ
BLACKBERRIES picked fresh that morning! If we don't have what you are looking for, chances are Jeff Scott will have it. He is the only other farmer at the market for now, but he's been there every week for more than 13 years and has an impressive array of fruits and vegetables. I also hear rumor that he will have AZ peaches starting this week or next. And you didn't even know that Chandler had a farmers market! Either way, check it out. If you don't like what you see, we are always open to suggestions. If you don't know where downtown Chandler is, I threw in a map. Enter the park off of San Marcos Pl and it is right there.
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